

By default, the navigation is performed with a native <a> element. You can customize it to use your own router. By default, the navigation is performed with a native <a> element. You can customize it to use your own router. For instance, using Next.js's Link or react-router.

Navigation components

There are two main components available to perform navigations. The most common one is the Link as its name might suggest. There are two main components available to perform navigations. The most common one is the Link as its name might suggest. It renders a native <a> element and applies the href as an attribute.

<Link href="/">Link</Link>

You can also make a button perform navigation actions. You can also make a button perform navigation actions. If your component is extending ButtonBase, providing a href prop enables the link mode. For instance, with a Button component: For instance, with a Button component:

<Button href="/" variant="contained">

In real-life applications, using a native <a> element is rarely enough. You can improve the user experience by using an enhanced Link component systematically. The theme of MUI allows configuring this component once. For instance, with react-router:

const LinkBehavior = React.forwardRef<
  Omit<RouterLinkProps, 'to'> & { href: RouterLinkProps['to'] }
>((props, ref) => {
  const { href, ...other } = props;
  // Map href (Material-UI) -> to (react-router)
  return <RouterLink ref={ref} to={href} {...other} />;

const theme = createTheme({
  components: {
    MuiLink: {
      defaultProps: {
        component: LinkBehavior,
    MuiButtonBase: {
      defaultProps: {
        LinkComponent: LinkBehavior,

⚠️ This approach has limitations with TypeScript. The href prop only accepts a string. In the event you need to provide a richer structure, see the next section.

component 属性

You can achieve the integration with third-party routing libraries with the component prop. You can learn more about this prop in the composition guide. You can learn more about this prop in the composition guide.

Here are a few demos with react-router. You can apply the same strategy with all the components: BottomNavigation, Card, etc.

  <Link component={RouterLink} to="/">
    With prop forwarding
  <br />
  <Link component={LinkBehavior}>Without prop forwarding</Link>


  <Button component={RouterLink} to="/">
    With prop forwarding
  <br />
  <Button component={LinkBehavior}>With inlining</Button>

Note: The button base component adds the role="button" attribute when it identifies the intent to render a button without a native <button> element. This can create issues when rendering a link. If you are not using one of the href, to, or component="a" props, you need to override the role attribute. The above demo achieves this by setting role={undefined} after the spread props.

In real-life applications, using a native <code><a></code> element is rarely enough. You can improve the user experience by using an enhanced Link component systematically. The theme of Material-UI allows configuring this component once. For instance, with react-router:

element is rarely enough. You can improve the user experience by using an enhanced Link component systematically. The theme of Material-UI allows configuring this component once. For instance, with react-router:

Tabs 选项卡

Current route: /drafts


Current route: /drafts

More examples


Next.js has a custom Link component. Next.js has a custom Link component. The example folder provides adapters for usage with Material-UI.

  • The first version of the adapter is the NextLinkComposed component. This component is unstyled and only responsible for handling the navigation. The prop href was renamed to to avoid a naming conflict. This is similar to react-router's Link component.

    import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
    import { NextLinkComposed } from '../src/Link';
    export default function Index() {
      return (
            pathname: '/about',
            query: { name: 'test' },
          Button link
  • The second version of the adapter is the Link component. This component is styled. It leverages the link component of Material-UI with NextLinkComposed. This component is styled. It leverages the link component of MUI with NextLinkComposed.

    import Link from '../src/Link';
    export default function Index() {
      return (
            pathname: '/about',
            query: { name: 'test' },


The Link component of Gatsby is built on @reach/router. You can use the same previous documentation for react-router. Unlike Next.js, it doesn't require you to create an adapter. You can use the same previous documentation for react-router. Unlike Next.js, it doesn't require you to create an adapter.